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Programmatic Advertising

Ever wondered what digital advertising you can do for your business? Or what kind of advertising campaigns offer the highest return on investment? Red Shark Digital is here to help. One of the most common methods of advertising on the internet is programmatic advertising, which is a new way of looking at digital advertising for your business.

What is programmatic advertising?

Programmatic advertising is the automated process of buying and selling advertising space on the internet. This specific kind of online advertising involves increasing brand awareness using strategically-placed advertisements on the web. These ads are placed in unique areas across the web to catch the eyes of potential customers or clients while browsing the internet. Programmatic ads work to attract user attention, regardless of where they are on the internet. Within our programmatic platforms, we use a variety of tactics, including:

  • Addressable Geo-Fencing
  • Contextual Targeting
  • Geofencing
  • Local Programmatic
  • Native Programmatic
  • Programmatic Video
  • Search Advertising

How Programmatic Advertising Generates Conversions

Red Shark Digital offers hyper-targeting programmatic services to enable your business to develop unique, long-term relationships with individual customers. Our highly-experienced team will create personalized marketing and sales appeals through ongoing data collection and tracking of a customer’s preferences, behaviors, and demographics. Programmatic advertising allows you to target qualified consumers who have previously searched for your products or interacted with your website, even if they are no longer on your site.

Connect With your Audience Using Programmatic Advertising

At Red Shark Digital, our creative team handles the ad-designing process, curating custom programmatic advertisements to reach your target market and consumer. After the campaign is live, we routinely analyze and make adjustments based on campaign performance, assessing competitors’ advertisements, analyzing trending data, and reporting on recommendations.

Want to learn more about how Red Shark Digital can change the way you advertise on the internet for the better? Contact us today!

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Programmatic Advertising


Our digital marketing experts at Red Shark Digital are ready to assist with your campaign or project. Contact us today to get started.