Currently accepting inquiries for Webflow Websites and SEO Projects for Q1.

What is linear vs CTV?

There are two types of optimization that can be performed on a website: linear and CTV. Linear optimization refers to optimizing a website so that it can be displayed on a search engine results page (SERP), while CTV optimization refers to optimizing a website so that it can be displayed on a specific user’s search engine results page (SERP).

CTVs are a newer form of optimization that take into account the user’s search intent, or what they are looking for, when they type in a query. This means that CTVs can be tailored to match the user’s needs exactly, making them much more effective than linear optimization alone.

While linear optimization is still important, CTV optimization should be given priority when crafting a website optimization strategy. This is because CTVs have the potential to generate significantly more traffic and conversions than linear optimization.

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