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User Experience and SEO

User Experience and SEO

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

User Experience and SEO

Matt Mitchell

Known to some as UX and SEO, these two elements go hand in hand. Google’s algorithms look at many pieces to the puzzle as far as how any given website is ranked. Just like spokes in a wheel, SEO is comprised of several pieces including keywords, titles & metas, internal and external link building, site speed and most important of all - reliable content that is wholesome. By wholesome, I mean your site or blog is not stuffed with keywords in hopes that you’ll reach the coveted top organic spot.

It’s important to review your sites content regularly and be sure that your copy reflects the work, products or service that you are providing.  Speak to everything positive you can and tout positive experiences and outcomes whenever you can, but don't embellish.

User experience has always been a very important factor when navigating any website, but as we move further away from desktops and deeper into mobile this becomes overwhelmingly evident.

When you are developing any new website be sure to work with your team to assign proper keywords to your H1 and H2 headings. Why? Well, Google crawls websites to determine their relevance and placement in search results in the grand scheme. These “crawls” look for words that ultimately are the deciding factor as to how you rank.  Many designers use the H1 and H2 headings for styling purposes, which may look great stylistically, but ultimately detracts from your sites ability to be as great as possible.  

If you are selling toothbrushes, tires, or what have you - be sure to have the headings speaking to that, otherwise Google simply won't know. Choose core keywords that help you stand apart from the rest, when possible.

The general guidelines for a healthy H1 and H2 are to limit them to 5 for H1 and 10 or less for H2.  When you are setting this up, use your strongest keywords for H1 and then use the remaining words for H2. Basically you should rank 15 words and place them accordingly as they pertain to your service or product offering.

Why is this so important?  As we charge into the future, voice search will only grow. What does this mean for you?  Today many people search for a product and see paid ads at the top of the results delineated by a gold “Ad” box, followed by organic results.  Very much of what is done in the realm of SEO, SEM and beyond operate around this fact. However, when you voice search you don’t see those results. You go where your device takes you based on data such as keyword and location.

To drive this home, sometime in early 2018 Google will begin to crawl mobile sites before they crawl desktop sites. We’ve just tipped over the halfway mark as to where searches are performed.

The takeaway: Be sure you have a savvy, smart, focused agency looking after your interests in the world of SEO. With competition growing stronger each year; nobody can afford to do the bare minimum if their goal is true success.

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