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Account Management Best Practices According To Marketing Firms Greenville NC

Account Management Best Practices According To Marketing Firms Greenville NC

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Account Management Best Practices According To Marketing Firms Greenville NC

Matt Mitchell

Account management can be a daunting job for newcomers in the professional world. With so many components to the role, it can be overwhelming at first. Account management is a vital role in day-to-day digital marketing near me, so with these few key tips from marketing firms Greenville NC becoming a successful account manager should be a breeze. Get insightful advice from Red Shark Digital's own account manager, to ensure both you and your clients are on the same page and consistently moving forward towards project completion.

Tips for Successful Account Management

Communication is Key

Open and constant communication is vital to the success of a marketing firms Greenville NC relationship with its client. It is better to over-communicate with both your clients and internal teams, than to under-communicate. Although this may come across as "needy" or "stating the obvious" at the time, both your clients and internal teams will thank you once the project has been completed smoothly and efficiently with all parties involved being on the same page and happy with the final outcome.

Follow Up Constantly

One of the biggest roadblocks that can slow down any project is client approval. Waiting on clients to respond and approve creatives and content can push back the timeline for just about any action item. While you don't want to push the client too hard, it is important to remain consistent in your follow-ups to ensure the project timeline stays on track. A good rule of thumb is to check in roughly every 2 days or so with the client and stress the importance of keeping the project on schedule. This helps both the team and their clients finish the project by the agreed-upon date.

Set Regular Internal Meetings

Having regular internal meetings is vital to project success. As an account manager, you can set these up yourself at any time. While project management software, such as Monday, are great, you cannot always relay your client's tone to your marketing firms Greenville NC internal teams. These internal meetings can be a great place to brainstorm ideas, workshop solutions, and discuss action items needed for the project. Additionally, if there is a change in the scope of work, this can be a great time to regroup and get the project back on the right track.

Account Management Hacks | Marketing Firms Greenville NC

Account management is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing near me. Having successful account management is possibly the biggest deciding factor in the success of marketing firms Greenville NC and their projects. Account managers can ensure smooth project flow and keep the momentum moving forward with the proper communication levels and follow-through. Red Shark Digital is a full-service marketing firm in Greenville, NC that specializes in all aspects of digital marketing near me. Whether you are looking for web development, SEO, social media management, or paid advertising we are a full-funnel marketing agency Greenville NC here to help you! Contact us today for all of your marketing needs.

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