Currently accepting inquiries for Webflow Websites and SEO Projects for Q2.

Axiom Elite Webflow Website Redesign

Axiom Elite Webflow Website Redesign

November 12, 2021
August 12, 2024

Axiom Elite Webflow Website Redesign

In partnership with Viamark Advertising, Red Shark Digital’s most recent Webflow website redesign was for Axiom Elite, a data integration hub for higher education. The site was more than ready for a redesign as it looked outdated and unorganized. As a solution for data integration, it was important for Axiom to update their website to reflect their product’s organizational skills.

Take a look at the old site:

Axiom | Red Shark Digital
Axiom | Red Shark Digital

The site serves the purpose of being an information/marketing website that is meant to sell the data integration solution. While the previous site may have done the job, the new Webflow website redesign does the job much better and with a more professional, sleek feel. We worked on an 8-week timeline to accomplish the rebuild, featuring animations and a uniqueness that simply was not present before.

Check out the new site: Visit Axiom Elite

Here's a sneak peek!

Axiom Elite Website Redesign | Red Shark Digital
Axiom Elite Webflow Website Redesign | Red Shark Digital
Axiom Elite Webflow Website Redesign | Red Shark Digital

Team Members Involved:

Project Management: Travis JonesDesign: Spencer BuntingDevelopment: Mike FenwickAnimations: Christian JesterSEO & Site Migration: Abby McVeigh

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