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Facebook Marketing: Boost Post vs. Facebook Ads

Facebook Marketing: Boost Post vs. Facebook Ads

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Facebook Marketing: Boost Post vs. Facebook Ads

At some point, every business owner considers promoting their goods and services via an advertising platform. With the always changing industry of digital marketing, you must make sure that you are reaching those people you need to, the best way possible. For many businesses, the best way to do this is via Facebook marketing. On average, Facebook has 1.13 billion daily active users on its site. With a user base that extensive, businesses should be tapping into Facebook’s advertising opportunities to increase their reach.

When considering your options for advertising, you will come across two opportunities that will allow you to promote your brand: boost post and Facebook Ads. While the two of these advertising platforms are similar, there are key differences that will help you decide which option is best for you.

Boosting Posts

When posting on behalf of your company, chances are you have seen the “Boost Post” button on the post. Boosting your post is the simplest form of Facebook advertising that there is. This option allows you to pay a budget friendly sum of money so that your post will be shown to your target audience. To set up a boosted post, you just click the “Boost Post” button on a post and then follow the steps, setting your target audience as well as your budget then click the save button! When targeting an audience by boosting your post, chances are no matter which target audiences you pick; your boosted post will still not get the full exposure that you are hoping for.

Facebook Boost Posts

Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are essentially the same as boosting a post, however, when you take the leap to use Facebook Ads, you get a ton of extra features that can enhance the outcome of your marketing campaign. For starters, with Facebook Ads, you can include a call-to-action with your post, as well as target your audiences more precisely, ensuring that your content is reaching everyone that you need it to. With Facebook Ads, you also get to define a goal of the ad campaign when you first set up the campaign. Whether your goal is to send people to your site, increase brand awareness, etc., you can clearly pick the goal that best fits your campaign and use that goal to track your conversions. Another key difference when it comes to Facebook Ads is that these ads must be created using a Facebook Ad account, as well as Facebook’s ad manager. Once your campaign the Ad Manager allows you to see how your ads are doing so if you need to make ad adjustments to ensure maximum reach, you can.

Fb Ad Manager

Final Verdict

While utilizing Facebook’s “Boost Post” option could work for those who have a smaller budget, we here at Red Shark Digital agree that Facebook Ads are the way to go to truly ensure maximum reach and clicks. Facebook is a great tool to use when it comes to marketing your brand and using the Ad Manager to carefully watch your ads so that you can make any potential changes is, in fact, the way to go to ensure campaign success.

Red Shark Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency that utilizes the power of social media marketing to its full potential. If you have any questions or want to ensure your social media marketing campaigns are the best, contact Red Shark Digital today!

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