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Google Ad Credits for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

Google Ad Credits for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Google Ad Credits for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

In an effort to alleviate costs for small and medium-sized businesses, Google Ads is giving small and medium-sized businesses worldwide $340 million in ad credits. These ad credits may be used at any time across Google Ads platforms until the end of 2020. For those businesses that have been active advertisers since the beginning of 2019, a credit notification will appear in their Google Ads account in the coming months.

In addition, Google Ads has also set up a fund to support NGOs and financial institutions around the world to help provide small businesses with access to capital. Google is also providing $20 million in ad grants to community financial institutions to run public service announcements on relief funds and other resources for small and medium-sized businesses. has also provided $15 million in cash grants to nonprofits to help bridge the gaps for small and medium-sized businesses.


According to the World Bank, small and medium-sized businesses represent about 90% of all businesses and more than half of employment worldwide. Many of these businesses have been required to close up shop due to COVID-19 while still finding ways to support their employees. Google hopes to alleviate some of the costs to stay in touch with customers through these ad credits.

These ad credits may be used across all of Google’s channels, including Search, Display, and Youtube as well as all campaign types. Small and medium businesses that have been active advertisers since January 1, 2019 will receive notifications in the coming months within their Google Ads account.

Google Ads Guide

Get up to speed on your Google Ads knowledge by visiting these links:

  • The Basics: Learn more about online advertising, setting up a Google Ads campaign, and improving your results.
  • Mobile: Learn how to optimize your website for customers visiting via mobile devices.
  • Optimization: Learn how to create successful Search campaigns by engaging potential customers with targeted messages.
  • Best Practices: Learn in-depth strategies vetted by the people who built Google Ads to help you succeed.

If you are a visual learner, watch the "Get Started with Google Ads" video series on Youtube.

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