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Webflow SEO Basics your Agency Should be Using in 2023

Webflow SEO Basics your Agency Should be Using in 2023

August 21, 2022
May 1, 2023

Webflow SEO Basics your Agency Should be Using in 2023

Are you searching for Webflow SEO basics to strengthen your understanding of Webflow development? Items such as titles and meta descriptions, sitemaps, and image optimizations are fundamental to building a site geared toward Search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is a well-known marketing tactic in today’s digital marketing world. However, there is still a lot of confusion about how to make SEO work for you. At Red Shark Digital, the leading Webflow SEO agency, we offer a wide variety of services, including making the most of SEO for your Webflow site. In this blog, we'll share the most important Webflow SEO basics that you can incorporate into your site.

  • Titles and meta descriptions
  • Sitemaps
  • Images and alt text

Titles and Meta Descriptions

Titles and meta descriptions are one of the ways that Google can recognize what your blog post or page is about. This allows them to provide the best search results possible for specific search terms. The title is the top section of the search result; it usually contains the name of the business, the page name, and a keyword. The meta description is around a sentence or two long. Meta descriptions summarize page contents and contain a keyword and location. Including these Webflow SEO basics in your pages, regardless of their contents, will improve the SEO for the page and overall website. Your Webflow SEO agency, like Red Shark Digital, usually assists in titles and meta description creation for Webflow sites.


A sitemap is the cornerstone to Webflow SEO basics. Simply put, it’s a roadmap for search engines like Google to best navigate your website. Sitemaps make your website more discoverable, which results in more website traffic. Most sitemaps contain a few parts:

  • An XML version declaration, letting search engines know what type of file it is
  • URL set
  • Lists of the URL of the pages
  • Date format describing when the page was last modified, called lastmod

Our Webflow SEO agency simplifies the sitemap addition process. You can make it manually or it will make it for you automatically. For those larger websites, our specialists in Webflow SEO basics recommend having Webflow make it for you, so as not to forget about smaller pages or sections of the website.

Images and Alt Text

Adding images to your site not only makes it more visually appealing and accessible to more users but also increases your website's chances of ranking higher on search engines. While photos are a great asset to include on a site, there are a few things to consider when adding a photo to the site.

  • Include a keyword in the title of the photo
  • Add tags to the photo to allow it to show up in more searches
  • Curate descriptive alt text for your images

Alt text for images allows those that have difficulty seeing or understanding colors to get a better idea of what the photo is of.

Red Shark Digital | Webflow SEO Agency

When it comes to SEO, it can be daunting to learn all of the rules, spoken and unspoken. However, with the help of a Webflow SEO agency like Red Shark Digital, SEO is much easier to navigate. Whether it’s Webflow SEO basics, web development, or social media marketing, we are here to help you make the most of your digital marketing investment. For more information, please visit our website!

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