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How to Develop a Bomb UX Strategy

How to Develop a Bomb UX Strategy

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

How to Develop a Bomb UX Strategy

Red Shark Digital

In every business venture, you want to ensure that your products are able to connect to a customer and that they can provide a positive experience. From ease of usability to increasing customer satisfaction, UX Strategy is all about building the experience a customer has with your product.User Experience encompasses all elements of design In every business venture, you want to ensure that your products are able to connect to a customer and that they can provide a positive experience. From ease of usability to increasing customer satisfaction, UX Strategy is all about building the experience a customer has with your product.

User Experience encompasses all elements of design and function. Having a visually stunning product design is great, but customers will be disappointed if it’s functionality doesn’t do its job. That’s why it’s important to implement a UX strategy into your development process. Today we’re going to show you basic steps to help you develop a bomb UX Strategy. Let’s get started!

Start Your Research

Understanding what UX is and does, is essentially the first step. Check out our RSD blog for a detailed explanation of UX. There are also a variety of articles from UX Planet and Smashing Magazine that can help you better understand these goals. You should then start your research on your intended customer market. Before you can develop a strategy, you need to understand what your customer's goals are. What are they looking for in your product? How does it benefit them? Answering these questions will help you determine how your user experience should flow and give you a better understanding of how to reach conversions.

You should also research your competition. Take a look around, who is dominating the market? What capabilities do they offer their customers? How does your product stand out from these market leaders? Researching different types of information will allow you to develop a well-rounded strategy.

Outline The Design

Once you’ve done all of your research it’s time to map out the user journey. At Red Shark when we map out our web designs we use these UX design cards to help us visualize the journey and move bits and pieces around. A whiteboard and marker is also a good start because you can easily change up different flows and see what works best for your product. You’ll want to ensure that the user journey is simple and doesn’t require a lot of thought. If users become confused along their journey they may never reach the CTA or conversion point.

Once you’ve thought through all of the user types and determined the best users flows you would begin your wireframes and start brainstorming your design process. It’s essential to complete the UX strategy before you start the design process. Once you fully understand how your product should interact with the user, you can design elements that would match each specific user flow. If you start with Design elements first, you could find yourself backtracking and lose your momentum in the process.

Test and Revise

Once you’ve fully developed your product you’ll want to test it ensuring everything works correctly and that you hit your mark with your target users. Depending on what your product entails there are a variety of options such as focus groups or surveys. Whichever method you use, you will be provided with feedback that will help you make revisions and improve your product. Nine times out of ten, your product is not going to be perfect the first time, almost every product has to undergo some sort of revision before it’s completed.

Developing a successful UX strategy will help you gain valuable insight to your customers and allow you to take your product to the next level. Users will be more likely to interact with your product and will gain a better understanding of your business. At Red Shark Digital we can help you create and design a simple experience to connect your brand to your users. Start building your strategy today, learn how we can elevate your business to the next level!

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