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Introducing: Elena, Account Coordinator

Introducing: Elena, Account Coordinator

April 5, 2023
July 6, 2023

Introducing: Elena, Account Coordinator

Hey! My name is Elena Corpus, and I am the new Account Coordinator at Red Shark Digital, a digital marketing agency Greenville NC.  I am originally from Spartanburg, SC or at least that is the short answer. I just recently moved here with my boyfriend and two dogs, Kobe and Athena, from North Dakota where I attended the University of North Dakota. While there I enjoyed the hockey games (Go Sioux!), experienced my first -60 degrees Fahrenheit windchill, and can’t forget I received my Bachelor's in computer science with a minor in mathematics.

Fun Facts:

I have lived most of my life in the Midwest. “Ope,” “oh for sure,” and “uff da” has unfortunately created their cozy homes in my vocabulary.

My guilty pleasure is Kraft mac and cheese. However, I have to add extra cheese since I am a lactose intolerant “Cheesehead” and a little Cholula, only if I’m not going to share with Kobe and Athena (oops).

Cooking and baking are my favorite past times. Since I can remember I have dreamed of owning my own KitchenAid mixer, which recently has come true (thanks mom and dad). Everything from pizza dough to Chrissy Teigen’s banana bread gets made in it.

Not So Fun:

Snow, pollen, sand - You might as well say the outdoors since you’ll rarely find me out there. If I am, I am fully prepared with allergy medicine and constantly checking the weather.

The traffic lights in Greenville. I think I have never had to sit at longer lights in the whole country.

People that stand up on a plane after landing…. there is nothing else to say about this.

Digital Marketing Agency Greenville NC | Red Shark Digital

Anyway, I’m super excited to be a part of the Red Shark Digital team, and for all that I’m going to learn and be a part of in the digital marketing agency world!

Visit our website for more digital marketing agency Greenville NC news and updates!

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