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No Site, No Business

No Site, No Business

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

No Site, No Business

New business! Let me just check out their...oh, they don’t have a website…

It’s hard to believe that there are really businesses that don’t have websites these days but the truth is, there are. As important as online has become, you would think at this point everyone would have jumped on the bandwagon to grow their profits (no offense if you’re one of those that hasn’t created a site yet). I know what you’re thinking, of course a full service digital marketing agency wants me to contact them to create a site for me. Well, yes, we absolutely want to help you. Point is, we aren’t here to sell you on something (just yet) we are here to tell you how dire it is that you get your presence out there and your starting point should always be a website.

So, what’s so special about having a website when I can just promote my self?

That’s cute. Those were the days where you gained business by going door to door or through word of mouth. Sadly, those days are over. Fortunately, your audience is endless now with the internet. Think about it, how often do you search a business online for their services, hours, address, phone number, reviews, etc? The list could go on for days. As soon as you search their name and a generic Google Listing comes up or sometimes nothing at all, the company instantly loses credibility. A well designed and developed website automatically solidifies your legitimacy. Isn’t that what we’re all after? With all of the fakers out there, you want to be recognized as a good, solid business.

Small businesses are back! 24/7 Accessibility without working around the clock

As much as you think that corporate is taking over, more and more people are interested in “shopping small”. Wouldn’t you rather a product or service that is more personalized and unique than the run of the mill that everyone else is getting but at the same price? Same! Surprisingly, same for a large majority of internet users out there too. Everyone wants to follow a trend but would rather be trendy with a personalized business than with a big corporate business that is losing its touch. By giving your consumers the accessibility to your business no matter when or where they are, you gain a new customer! Just make sure that your site is well designed, the strategy behind it is solid, and the content is good.

24/7 Accessibility without working around the clock

Technically, you don’t have to “shut down” or “lock up” every night. Obviously, having a brick and mortar is still very relevant (as much as we say it isn’t). It’s nice to have hours of operation but not everyone has the same schedule as you do. With your well-built website, your clients and customers have access to your business 24/7. They may not necessarily be shopping or doing business with you right then but they can check out what your business is all about, read testimonials, send you an email inquiry, view your address and hours of business so that they can schedule a time to come, and so on. Over 2 billion people use the internet every single day approximately 90% of those 2 BILLION people in the last year have either called or purchased from a company that they found online. Do you understand how huge those statistics are? And you still don’t have a website?? Please stop procrastinating, get your site up now!

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