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Help Welcome Jonathan: Copywriting Intern

Help Welcome Jonathan: Copywriting Intern

April 7, 2022
May 1, 2023

Help Welcome Jonathan: Copywriting Intern

Red Shark Digital

Hey everybody, my name is Jonathan Hurst and I’m a Marketing and MIS double major at ECU. I’m currently on my junior campaign and I am now the newest copywriting intern doing digital marketing Greenville NC, at Red Shark Digital! As I mentioned, I am a Pirate but I haven’t always lived in Greenville. I was born in a small town just outside of Pittsburgh, PA, and moved down south when I was about 4 years old. Those few short years did leave a long-term impact on me though and have contributed to some of my favorite things (and a few of my least favorite).


What are some of my favorite things? Great question. My biggest yeses are, in no particular order:

  1. Music. I listen to music when I do just about everything. My Spotify wrapped said I listened to music for 95,000 minutes in 2021, which totals out to about 2 months of nonstop listening. I listen to just about anything ranging from Kid Cudi to Aerosmith and am open to any suggestion (really, feel free). I also have learned a few different instruments and was in a chorus for three years!
  2. I love animals. I have a soft spot for dogs especially. I have a 3-year-old husky named Aspen who is more than enough work on his own. My family, though, has owned 6 other dogs, thankfully not all at one time. We’ve had a keeshond, three chocolate labs, a lab/pitbull mix, and another husky all before I managed to get my first dog.
  3. Food. This is where Pittsburgh comes into play. I enjoy quite a few different foods but my absolute favorite is sandwiches from Primanti’s. If you ever find yourself in the area it’s a must!
  4. The outdoors. I love nature and want to explore as many of the beautiful sites in the world as I can, which doesn’t exactly go hand-in-hand with working at digital marketing Greenville NC. In the meantime, however, I am doing all I can to help my local environment. I’ve worked on an initiative for the past three years with a few other students and we recently planted a free-use orchard on our university campus.


On the other side of the coin, here are some things I avoid as best I can, suffer greatly through, or dislike in a very specific order:

  1. Running. I love the gym, I go 5 days a week. I love playing sports and running around that way. I can not stand running. I’ve tried as hard as I can to enjoy it but I don’t think I can ever come around to it.
  2. The cold. This one is a bit trickier and a little more nuanced than my disgust for running. I used to love the cold but as I get older I find it harder and harder to be comfortable in the cold. However, I think that the wardrobe choices that are available in the winter are better than the ones available in the summer. I also think that there are very few things as pretty as snow.
  3. The heat. It may be easy to see a theme here. The temperatures that eastern North Carolina can reach in mid-July through August are insufferable. I would rather be cold. The heat does allow for trips to the beach, which is why it finds itself slightly below the cold. Luckily the digital marketing Greenville NC that I work at keeps it nice and temperate, so this isn’t too big of an issue.
  4. Bad drivers. I don’t even mean people that make some mistakes on the road or have trouble parking in the lines. I have seen multiple people pass other cars using the turn lane or the shoulder on the highway. I have also seen people going at least 10 miles per hour under the speed limit because they were on their phones. The industrial revolution did not come without its consequences.

Those are some of the things that I think are important, or fun at the very least, to know about me. I’m incredibly excited to start this position doing digital marketing Greenville NC and contributing to the amazing work that comes from Red Shark Digital!Thanks for reading!

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