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Introducing: Kelly, Copywriting Intern

Introducing: Kelly, Copywriting Intern

June 5, 2024
June 5, 2024

Introducing: Kelly, Copywriting Intern

Red Shark Digital

Hello everyone! My name is Kelly Adams and I am the new copywriting intern here at Red Shark Digital, digital advertising agency Greenville NC.

I am currently a rising senior at East Carolina University (ECU) majoring in Business Marketing with minors in both Sports Studies and Fine Arts. I am part of many different organizations on ECU’s campus such as the American Marketing Association and various honors societies. Furthermore, I have a second job at Builders First Source where I work as a Digital Marketing Associate. Moral of the story is, I love marketing!

A Little About Me…

I was born and raised in Washington, North Carolina just a hop, skip, and a jump away from Greenville! Growing up, I spent all my time either on the boat or in downtown Washington to be near the water. I moved to Greenville for school which has allowed me to truly discover my likes and dislikes as well as discover my personality.

Yay :)

  • Coffee - I am an avid fan of coffee, specifically espresso. One of my favorite activities (other than making my own espresso) is finding little coffee shops to get a latté or a cappuccino!
  • Football - I grew up an ECU football fan so I have always had a love for college football. I have more recently come to love fantasy football as well!
  • Beaches and Boats - As I mentioned before, I love being by the water! I specifically love the beach and going fishing on the boat.

Nay :(

  • Onions and Peppers - I am the farthest thing from a picky eater, but the one thing I really can’t stand is onions and peppers.
  • Breakfast for Dinner - Don’t get me wrong, I love breakfast, but it has it’s own time slot in the day and that is where it should stay!
  • Cardio - I love going to the gym, but I hate doing cardio. I would much rather be lifting weights!

Encore for Red Shark Digital NC Marketing Internships

I hope you all enjoyed learning a little about me! I know I can’t wait to learn more about everyone here at Red Shark Digital, NC marketing agency. I am so grateful to begin this experience and I hope to learn so much in my time here!

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