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Introducing: Katie, Copywriter

Introducing: Katie, Copywriter

July 11, 2024
July 11, 2024

Introducing: Katie, Copywriter

Red Shark Digital

Hi all! I’m Katie Nagy and I am the new copywriter at Red Shark Digital, a digital advertising agency in Greenville, NC. I grew up in Greenville and attended Barton College in Wilson for both my bachelor's in English and my master's in business administration.

Adding to the Skill Set

While I am new to the digital marketing world, writing has been a passion of mine since I was little, which thrills me about my new role as a copywriter. Being able to work at an NC marketing agency, especially one as inviting and professional as Red Shark Digital, has me eager to learn, explore, and experience in this new profession.


  • Horseback riding - I have been riding since middle school and fell in love with jumping. The feeling of flying and the speed had me hooked in no time.
  • Reading - I especially love fantasy novels such as the A Court of Thorns and Roses series and the Fourth Wing series, as I love the sense of escapism the genre offers.
  • Cheerwine - While I love just about any cherry-flavored soda, Cheerwine has to be my top favorite.
  • My cat, Edith - The phrase “I work hard so my cat can have nice things” comes to mind when dealing with my spoiled little miss.


  • Spiders - While I can handle any little jumping spiders, anything else is a big NO from me.
  • Humidity - I think this is the bane of my existence since living in eastern North Carolina.
  • Slow/Laggy WiFi - I feel that by now there should be a more solid solution to this issue.

Excited About This New Opportunity

I can’t wait to see what I learn at Red Shark Digital, the leading-edge digital advertising agency in Greenville, NC. I know settling in will be a smooth process with all my new coworkers and friends. I look forward to achieving my full potential in copywriting.

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