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Red Shark Digital Adopts a Shark

Red Shark Digital Adopts a Shark

July 25, 2023
August 8, 2023

Red Shark Digital Adopts a Shark

Red Shark Digital

For some, Christmas might be the “most wonderful time of the year,” but at Red Shark Digital, it's Shark Week. Inspired by the Discovery Channel’s annual week-long educational program of the same name, the team at RSD spends every July 23rd-30th showcasing our unique company culture and team spirit with fun office shenanigans and philanthropic efforts. This year, our digital marketing agency Greenville NC decided to tackle a philanthropy project that’s been long overdue: adopting our own shark. Before you all start breaking down our doors to see Greenville’s newest aquatic resident, we’ll go ahead and give you a little spoiler: it’s not an actual shark. Unless you, of course, count the adorable plushy that came with our adoption kit. Here’s the full scoop.

Finding A Project

When researching what we wanted to do this year, we knew we wanted to do something for the animal we’ve lovingly taken up as our namesake. After putting on our best Googling glasses, we were ecstatic to discover the North Carolina Aquarium’s Adopt-An-Animal program. The project allows donors, aka “fosters,” to choose from a selection of coastal animals to support for the year. Some of the animals listed include alligators, otters, and, you guessed it, sharks.

The Adopt-A-Shark Skinny

There are three donation tiers: foster friend, foster parent, and foster supporter, with each tier ranging in value. Red Shark Digital chose to go all-in with the highest donation level, foster supporter. With this level, donors receive an “adoption certificate,” shark fact card with a conservation message, photos, window decals, a coupon for $10 off a membership purchase or renewal (don’t mind if we do!), and of course, our new, fluffy, yet-to-be-named, mascot. With our donation, we’ll be helping to provide the aquarium with the means to feed, care for, and display these captivating and misunderstood creatures.

Why It Matters

While there are plenty of aquariums in the US, if you know Red Shark Digital, you know our Greenville NC digital marketing agency is passionate about helping our community. Investing in a local aquarium means investing in animal welfare while providing access to educational materials, experiences, and insights for residents right here in eastern North Carolina. Shark Week may be just seven days long, however, this gift will continue to provide value for the aquarium for the rest of the year. Whether for our clients or the citizens of our coasts, we’re proud to support our mission statement in everything we do. Here’s to Shark Week 2023!

Red Shark Digital | Marketing Agency Greenville NC

At Red Shark Digital, we’re committed to our mission to Be Better. Not only does this apply to our award-winning digital marketing portfolio, but in our philanthropic efforts. From supporting the arts to fighting homelessness, at RSD, we’re passionate about the power of connecting with our community. To learn more about our philanthropic work and how you can help, keep an eye on this space! Want to help us in our mission to protect the apex predator? Visit the NC Aquarium’s website today. Stay up-to-date with all the RSD Shark Week shenanigans by following us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Threads.

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