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A Taste of The Real World

A Taste of The Real World

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

A Taste of The Real World

My name is Rez Arranguez, and I am an intern at Red Shark Digital for the Fall 2018 semester. I am an English and Religious Studies double major with a Business Administration minor and Business Technical Writing certificate at East Carolina University. My hope with the internship is to gain real-world experience while understanding more about the professional world after graduation. I believe this internship will help me use and learn more about the skills I acquired in school. While I am on this internship, I also hope to build connections to individuals who can help me fulfill my goals and advance my ambitions.

I am from a small town outside of Raleigh called Holly Springs. I grew up in Holly Springs for the majority of my life, attending Holly Springs High School and Wake Technical Community College before I transferred to East Carolina. While I was attending community college, I held employment at establishments like Camos Brothers Pizza and Dominos Pizza. I worked as a delivery driver while I worked at those restaurants, having made good money but little personal satisfaction. After earning my Associates degree, I decided it was time to follow my dream of attending a major university.

Since attending ECU, I threw myself into getting involved on campus while making some of the best grades of my academic career. I am one of the founding members of the ECU Asian Students Association and I became a brother of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. I was president for a semester with the Asian Students Association and have continued to be involved as the networking chairman. I am currently on the executive board of my fraternity, serving as the Corresponding Secretary and the Alumni Relations chairman. The leadership experience I have gained from my extracurriculars will help further into not only my career, but also my life.

Another highlight of my collegiate career is my study abroad time. I went to Spain for a month to complete my Spanish studies, but gained the experience of a lifetime. That was the first time I set foot outside of the United States, and broadened my thoughts more than I anticipated. I learned more Spanish in that one month than in a semester of lesson, getting out of my comfort zone and growing in character. The most important lesson I learned in Spain was a bigger world is out there aside from one’s own home country, so why not see it?

I cannot wait to learn all there is about copywriting and digital marketing this semester with Red Shark Digital! Stay tuned for my future posts- see ya on the flip side!

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