Currently accepting inquiries for Webflow Websites and SEO Projects for Q2.

Who’s that girl? Who’s that girl? It’s Emily!

Who’s that girl? Who’s that girl? It’s Emily!

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Who’s that girl? Who’s that girl? It’s Emily!

Red Shark Digital

As we all know, summer is slowly coming to an end and so is my internship here at Red Shark Digital Marketing also summer school(praise!) For those who don’t know, I’m the old intern(twenty-five as of this week) and my college days are slowly but surely coming to an end as of this December. On a side note, I’m sad that my internship is coming to an end, but I’ve felt super productive with my time this summer spent at RSD. I’m so thankful that I had this opportunity to learn more about digital marketing as a whole from an amazing marketing team in my hometown.

Already having experience with retail/customer service over the past five years was one thing, but learning more about the creative side of marketing that goes on behind the product was what interested me in this digital marketing internship. I’ve learned so much these past four months about what it takes to operate a digital marketing agency and how much hard work is put into doing so. Starting off I’ve learned about SEO(Search Engine Optimization) and how it can help increase visibility to your website through organic search engine results. Also, I’ve learned about SEM(Search Engine Marketing)which is internet marketing used to increase visibility in search engine results through paid advertisements. I’ve also learned how to manage a company’s social media website using the platform Hootsuite to help increase the company's clientele. I’ve written more than a handful of blogs for multiple business clients as a content marketing strategy using keyword optimization to maximize SEO and SEM. Learned how to track SEO and SEM goals through an analytics dashboard. And lastly learned how to analyze and report campaign success. Over these past four months at RSD, I also earned my professional accreditation in Google Adwords.

My time spent at Red Shark Digital has been an interesting experience no doubt, pushing me out of my comfort zone and helping me build confidence for the future to come. I will always remember my summer internship spent here with RSD(not to mention the snacks, pimento cheese biscuits, cubbies breakfast from J) and I plan on staying in touch with the RSD squad. With that being said, I encourage all the future interns to binge watch “The Office” before your first day or you’ll quickly become shark bait!

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